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How Continuous Controls Monitoring Solves Traditional GRC Challenges

June 26, 2024 | By Ivy Shelby

Addressing compliance and ensuring strong security measures are increasingly complex tasks for organizations. How can you effectively manage these challenges? Continuous Controls Monitoring (CCM) offers a robust solution, leveraging automation, AI, and real-time data monitoring to enhance governance risk & compliance (GRC). By tackling key issues such as manual compliance processes, fragmented data management, and reactive risk management, CCM empowers organizations to streamline their compliance efforts and improve their security posture.

What makes CCM essential for accelerating GRC outcomes?

Dr. Edward Amoroso, Founder and CEO of TAG Cyber, provides valuable insights and data on these benefits in his white paper, “Leveraging Continuous Controls Monitoring (CCM) for Compliance and Security.” This white paper offers an in-depth look at how CCM can enhance compliance and security efforts through automation and real-time monitoring. 

To provide a clearer understanding, CCM is the near real-time assessment and verification of operational, technical, and non-technical controls to manage risks, ensure compliance, and enhance decision-making across the enterprise. By leveraging automation, CCM provides ongoing assurance that controls are working as intended and alerts management to potential issues before they escalate. Instead of relying solely on periodic audits or manual assessments, CCM enables organizations to proactively monitor their control environment, identify anomalies or deviations from expected norms, and take corrective actions promptly. 

Whether your organization is managing controls of numerous frameworks like CCPA, Sarbanes Oxley Act, NIST 800-171, PCI, or is FedRAMP and or focused, start exploring how these insights directly address challenges and transform your approach to compliance and security. 

The complexity of compliance

Navigating the maze of compliance can be overwhelming. The intricate and extensive regulatory landscape requires solutions that go beyond traditional methods. 

Eliminating manual processes and errors

One of the most significant challenges in compliance is the complexity and volume of regulatory requirements. Traditional compliance processes involve manual, time-consuming tasks prone to errors, leading to inefficiencies and increased risk. CCM addresses these issues by automating routine compliance tasks, significantly reducing manual workload, and minimizing errors. 

CCM ensures compliance processes are continuously updated in real-time using AI and compliance as code. This automation streamlines audit preparation, reduces the likelihood of human error, and keeps organizations ahead of regulatory changes, eventually enhancing overall efficiency and accuracy in compliance activities. Moreover, by providing consistent and up-to-date compliance information, CCM helps organizations make more informed decisions and quickly adapt to new regulations and standards.

Managing and mitigating risk

Effective risk management requires a shift from traditional reactive methods to a proactive approach that encompasses all areas of risk.

Reactive to proactive risk management

Traditional GRC risk management is often reactive and narrowly focused, leaving gaps in addressing financial, enterprise, and strategic risks. CCM transforms this approach by continuously monitoring and assessing risks across all areas, including operational, financial, and compliance risks, providing a holistic view and real-time insights. 

With CCM, organizations gain continuous oversight of their entire risk landscape, including operational, financial, and compliance risks. This proactive approach ensures early detection and mitigation of potential issues, allowing organizations to address risks before they escalate. By integrating financial and enterprise risk management into their compliance strategy, organizations can achieve a stronger, more resilient risk posture.

Data integration and management

The challenges of disjointed data

Organizations frequently struggle with managing disjointed data across multiple systems, which can lead to inefficiencies and elevated risk. Disparate data sources complicate compliance efforts and hinder effective risk management. As outlined in Dr. Amaroso’s white paper, these fragmented data environments can create significant hurdles in maintaining accurate and up-to-date compliance information, ultimately affecting decision-making processes and risk assessments. 

How CCM addresses data integration

CCM platforms effectively tackle these challenges by integrating data from various sources, providing a unified view of compliance and risk management activities. This holistic approach enhances decision-making capabilities by ensuring data accuracy and consistency. As Dr. Amoroso outlines that CCM aggregates and updates data, offering a consolidated view that streamlines compliance reporting and improves overall data accuracy.  

CCM enables more informed decisions and proactive risk management by providing a real-time, comprehensive snapshot of an organization’s compliance status. This integration not only reduces manual data handling but also mitigates the risks associated with outdated or incorrect information, ultimately enhancing the organization’s ability to maintain compliance and security.

Efficiency and cost savings

Manual compliance is expensive

Manual compliance processes are not only time-consuming but also expensive. Organizations often incur significant costs in terms of labor, time, and resources when adhering to regulatory requirements through manual methods. The inefficiency of these processes can divert valuable resources away from other critical tasks, impacting overall productivity. 

How CCM enhances efficiency

CCM helps organizations achieve significant cost savings by streamlining compliance processes and reducing the reliance on manual efforts. With extreme automation, CCM platform leads to faster, more efficient compliance activities. By automating routine tasks, organizations can reduce audit preparation time by up to 60% and free up resources for other essential operations. Additionally, automated processes and real-time monitoring reduce the need for expensive manual interventions and external audits, making compliance more cost-effective and efficient. This not only reduces operational costs but also enhances the overall effectiveness of compliance strategies. 

Enhancing security posture

Addressing traditional security challenges

CISOs focus on constantly maintaining a strong security posture. Traditional security measures often rely on periodic assessments and static controls, which may not provide the continuous oversight necessary to address evolving threats effectively. These methods can leave security gaps, allowing vulnerabilities to persist between assessments. Additionally, fragmented security controls across various systems can complicate efforts to maintain a cohesive security strategy, increasing the risk of overlooked weaknesses and slow responses to emerging threats. 

CCM’s continuous oversight

CCM revolutionizes security by providing ongoing oversight and real-time visibility into security controls. Unlike traditional methods, which are often static, CCM ensures dynamic monitoring and adaptation to current threats. This continuous readiness allows organizations to maintain compliance and proactively address security threats. Real-time visibility helps identify and mitigate vulnerabilities immediately, resulting in a more resilient and adaptable security posture. Integrating continuous oversight with automated compliance checks streamlines security operations, reducing the effort required to manage risks and enhancing overall security. 

Transforming compliance and security with CCM

CCM addresses several critical challenges faced by modern organizations in the realms of compliance and security. By leveraging automation, AI, and real-time monitoring, CCM streamlines compliance processes and enhances risk management, data integration, and overall efficiency. As Dr. Amoroso’s white paper highlights, adopting CCM can significantly improve compliance readiness, security posture, and operational efficiency. 

If you’re ready to see firsthand how CCM can enhance your organization’s compliance and risk management efforts, schedule a personalized demo with us. Our team will walk you through our advanced solutions and show you how we can help you achieve real-time oversight, reduce manual workloads, and ensure continuous compliance. Experience the future of compliance management today.

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