
Govern Your Controls Landscape

RegScale provides you with robust governance mechanisms that enable real-time visibility and management over every phase of the controls lifecycle. Governing the controls ensures meticulous decision-making, risk acceptance, and change management, fostering cybersecurity resilience and compliance. 

Trusted by the most effortlessly secure and compliant organizations on the planet

Governance integration: gain visibility into every phase

From reports to workflows and alerts, governance is ingrained in every aspect of the control lifecycle. In each step, decisions need to be made, changes need to be approved, risks need to be accepted, exceptions and changes need to be approved, and management needs to be aware of shifts in the security, risk, and compliance posture over time.   

Reports and Dashboards

Reports and Dashboards

Out-of-the-box reporting, dashboards, and scorecards visualize real-time compliance and risk posture. Extend to BI tools using Graph and APIs. 

Event-Driven Workflows

Compliance and risk processes are not executed in isolation. Provide real-time integrations to broader organizational business processes using our real-time, event-driven architecture. 

Event-Driven Workflows

See what RegScale can streamline for you

Book a demo now for a quick walkthrough of how our continuous controls monitoring can solve your compliance, risk, and cybersecurity challenges.

Exception Management 

Nobody is perfect and sometimes you have to deviate from policy. Our exception management process allows you to document the risk, establish durations for the exception, and ensure strong governance. 

Exception Management
Change Management

Change Management

Maintaining your risk and compliance posture over time takes discipline. Our change management process documents every difference, so you are always audit-ready. 

Alerts and Notifications

Never get surprised in an audit again. Our real-time alerts integrate with Teams, Slack, and email to ensure your employees get notified in real-time as things change and deliverables are due.  

Alerts and Notifications

Ready to fast track your compliance? Let us show you how it’s done

Hey, we know reading can only get you so far. That’s why we’d like to give you a quick, live walk-through of RegScale, to show you exactly what we can do for your organization.