Department of Energy contractor accelerates their compliance

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Environmental Services

Use Cases

Rapid Certification


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Challenge: Overcoming outdated systems for enhanced DOE compliance

Solution: Implementing automation for quality and compliance excellence

Results: Achieving compliance mastery with RegScale

Outcomes with RegScale

  • Automate quality assessment and issue management workflows
  • Enable continuous monitoring and compliance reporting
  • Manage effective assurance and oversight processes


RegScale’s Continuous controls monitoring (CCM) platform created rapid efficiencies and enabled effective metrics and oversight based on the organization’s specific compliance requirements and workflows.

Challenge: overcoming outdated systems for enhanced DOE compliance

In their quest for efficiency and compliance, a contractor organization dedicated to the Department of Energy (DOE) faced a significant hurdle. Their in-house application, designed to document and process various types of quality assessments and issues, had become a relic of the past.

Despite its once pivotal role, the software’s outdated nature demanded an exorbitant amount of time and effort to maintain its availability and reliability. Maintenance became a burdensome task for employees who had other primary job responsibilities. Compounding the issue, the application’s rigid framework could neither be upgraded nor expanded, leaving the organization in a precarious position to meet the DOE’s stringent compliance requirements.

These requirements encompassed rigorous self-assessment, issue tracking, corrective action plan development and approvals, and performance metrics. Faced with an application that could no longer support their evolving needs, the organization recognized the necessity for a new solution to adhere to the DOE’s demands for effective assurance and oversight processes.

Solution: implementing automation for quality and compliance excellence

Determined to resolve their challenges, the organization embarked on a transformative journey. They sought to automate their processes surrounding quality assessment data, issue management, and compliance reporting. This strategic shift aimed to not only streamline their workflows but also ensure a higher level of compliance and oversight.

By leveraging continuous monitoring and automating their data and process workflows, they positioned themselves to meet the DOE’s rigorous standards more effectively. The solution would enable them to automate the documentation and processing of quality assessments and issues, thereby eliminating the inefficiencies and limitations of their outdated application. This forward-thinking approach was poised to revolutionize the way they managed compliance, marking a departure from their previous, labor-intensive practices.

A factory from above, with smoke billowing from its smokestacks.

Result: achieving compliance mastery with RegScale

With RegScale, the organization swiftly digitized and imported their relevant data, seamlessly connected existing tools, and automated workflows around quality assessments and issue management. This comprehensive solution provided them with the tools necessary to establish metrics, gain visibility into performance, and demonstrate effective assurance over their program.

The results were transformative as the organizations can ensure a higher standard of quality and performance in their services. Through RegScale, they achieved a level of DOE compliance mastery that was previously unattainable, solidifying their commitment to excellence and setting a new benchmark for efficiency in meeting governmental standards.

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See what RegScale can streamline for you

Book a demo now for a quick walkthrough of how our continuous controls monitoring can solve your compliance, risk, and cybersecurity challenges.