Access Reviews

Streamline Your Access Review Process

Enhance security and reduce risk with automated access reviews. RegScale’s solution ensures that only authorized users have access, preventing breaches and regulatory fines while aligning with Zero Trust initiatives.    

Streamline Your Access Review Process

Automate your access review process to improve security and compliance  

Automated access reviews can help ensure only authorized users gain access to your platforms and sensitive information. RegScale’s continuous controls monitoring enhances security posture, closes vulnerabilities, and aligns with Zero Trust initiatives. With 1,300 APIs and dozens of integrations, you can automate the access review process to ensure you are continuously compliant.  

Central Database - Lose the Blind Bouncer

Lose the “Blind Bouncer” 

Manually conducting access reviews is like navigating a maze blindfolded or having a bouncer who can’t see. It’s risky, time-consuming, and prone to errors. Institutions that lack visibility and compliance face regulatory penalties, MRAs (Matters Requiring Attention), data breaches, and insider threats. RegScale automates access reviews, providing a clear view of user access across all systems, saving time, enhancing security, and ensuring compliance.

Eliminate Manual Stare-and-Compare Exercises

Ditch the manual access reviews and automate the process with RegScale continuous controls monitoring. With 1,300 APIs and dozens of integrations, you can remove the guessing game and ensure only authorized users gain access to the data and the platform they need.    

Access Report - Access out of Policy
Access Report Mapped Records

Ensure Compliance and Reduce Risks

RegScale’s end-to-end visibility of automated access reviews, effortlessly meets regulatory requirements, eliminates insider threats, and reduces manual costs and risks associated with traditional access review methods. 

See what RegScale can streamline for you

Book a demo now for a quick walkthrough of how our continuous controls monitoring can solve your compliance, risk, and cybersecurity challenges.

See the RegScale Demo for Access Reviews 

Experience the efficiency of RegScale’s rapid certification automation in this short demo video.

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